Book Tailor Ponder Awhile

Book Trailor "Ponder Awhile"
Book Trailor "Ponder Awhile"

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Zaratushtra-First recorded Prophet

ZARATUSHTRA the PARSI PROPHET is the first recorded PROPHET:

He came back from the hills and talked about the Divine light.

Off course some called him Mad it has and will allways happen.

An experience where two became ONE:

He say an invisible bridge is to be crossed by man in this life.Its the very purpose of man.

The three stages of life are Man ,God man and God.

His basic teachings are Good Thoughts,Good Words,God Deeds.

All is you is a what an Enlightened human understands.

How can he harm someone else knowing that someone else is also him materialised by the light.

Defend youself thats for sure you are not here to be abused or insulted by anyone including family and friends.
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