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Friday, March 21, 2008

Oshos Enlightenment day on a FUll moon

Osho claime ENLIGHTENMENT on this day 21 of march at the young age of 22.

He went on to become a Philosophy teacher in Jabalpur India.

Knowing he had a higher purpose being ENLIGHTENED he gave discourse in various places
and soon had a huge following of disciples all over the globe.

Today is the FULL MOON a symbol for ENLIGHTENMENT sybollising the whole :

I also got ENLIGHTENED 0n a FULL MOON night cant remember the month -march or may or June,it was the beginning of the year.

Osho means oceanic knowledge and he was extremely well read having read INDIAN MYSTICS to EUROPEAN SAINTS AND PHILOSOPHERS.A brillaint sense of humour OSHO would often end with a joke and by doing that would keep the mood light.

Different and controversial OSHO as a MASTER has done a brilliant job in spreading knowledge of GOD of the LIGHT:

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