Book Tailor Ponder Awhile

Book Trailor "Ponder Awhile"
Book Trailor "Ponder Awhile"

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Guru Nanak- Visit by Doctor to cure him of his madness

GURU NANAK-Visit by Doctor to cure him of his madness

Guru Nanaks answer-None has a cure for the pang of love.

I pine for my beloved.

Who gave the pain will cure it.

You have no cure for me.

He was looked on one as dead.

GURU NANAKS Father-They say you do nothing I am ashamed of you.

GURU NANAK- I do something that others cannot understand.

I have already enetered his service. I cannot serve another.

I go wither he takes me and I do as he Bids me.

GURU NANAK Mother-My son do not go away now but come and live in your house as of old.

GURU NANAK- My house is his temple,Mother.God is my home and his grace is my family.

His pleasure is my utmost riches.He judges me not,He is kind and merciful as none else is.

H e blesses and blesses without end.He provides me with everything.I am forever happpy in him.

Of what use is this life of houses,wherein a thousand desires consume te man and there is no rest,

neither in walking nor in dreams.

I drink his very presence.i eat of his precious substance and partake of his light.


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