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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Truth allways wins

Truth allways wins.

Truth is godliness and will allways triumph no matter what the opposition.For me opposition just makes me stronger and more determined.
Its possible that the other person takes time to understand maybe minutes ,days or years.When he or she realises that you had spoken the truth it will be appreciated.

Lies on the other hand can keep building up, covering for the previous one and you

could lose a precious relationship this way.Its about trust once it is broken its going to be very difficult for the person to forget and forgive.

To understand truth one needs to be in a similar vibration.
Here I talk about cosmic truths.

I would not understand till the age of 24 and then after my spiritual experience I would lap up books very fast, people would be surprised as to how fast I would finish a book.
Books on spirituality and philosophy became easy for me to read as I could relate with the words.I now find novels which I used to read when young very difficult something I loved earlier on.

Each person has his or her own time to come to understanding truth.This does not depend on age or education.

Some children like my book and I feel it bounces of the heads of some adults,
strange but true.


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Truth allways wins

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