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Friday, June 20, 2008

Effortless-effort and meditation

Some say meditation is effortless and some that there is a lot of effort needed and like the Buddhist monks say effortless effort. Ex.cycling -learning takes a lot of effort in the beginning.One keeps falling getting hurt,getting up and trying again.After some time it becomes you or effortless-effort.A human learns to walk in the same manner,initially there is a lot of effort required and later on it becomes effortless. There is intense effort required in meditation initially.One must concentrate on a star in between his eyebrows.Initially its difficult to just imagine the star for a second,then for a few seconds..With time its becomes easier and one can concentrate on it for a longer and longer time automatically-effortless-effort.Patanjali-seven breaths of one pointed concentration gets you enlightened.Here when you become relaxed you are concentrating more and every breath becomes longer and longer,slower and slower.For someone who is stiff,initially he will be in pain if he sits cross legged just for minute but as he keeps practicing he will be able to sit for longer and longer periods of time.


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Anonymous said...

Yes, that's basically how it worked for me too.

I'd add that another aspect is how once things "start happening," then that part's completely effortless - even if it took a lot of effort to get there.

Actually, it's strange. It's not like say, building a tower and watching it get higher. You don't make efforts and see them directly rewarded. You just sit and sit and then, in my case after nearly a year, things start to happen once in a while!

Mohit said...

You said it perfectly,it started happening and it took a lot of effort to get there.Happy you relate with this and its because you are doing it.Many will just quote from someone and say there is no effort required in meditation.Well this is totally wrong and misleading and the person just doesnt start taking effort he has already jumped to the second stage of just happening.

jyotsana said...

u r n enlightened being?

Mohit said...

Yes jyotsana.